产品时间:2020/3/25 9:55:13
采用高级铸件铸造,45°斜背底座结构,厚度足以承受重力切削负荷,经热处理消除应力,增加刚性。 准确分度的高刚性刀塔,保证了加工的精度。 主轴中心对称性设计,受负荷变形小,可确保长时间重切削后,机台高精度持久性。 高品质的驱动部件达到最优质的动态特性。 The symmetrical design of the spindle center and the small deformation under load can ensure the high-precision durability of the machine after long-term heavy cutting. High quality driving components achieve the highest quality dynamic characteristics. It is cast with high-grade castings, 45° oblique back base structure, thick enough to withstand gravity cutting load, and heat treated to eliminate stress and increase rigidity The highly rigid turret with accurate indexing ensures machining accuracy.